Market research & Clearing Space

My wife and I were talking the other day about this fiber/yarn store and I threw out the question, “are all of your spinning friends going to start buying from us?”.  Her quick answer, “of coarse”.  But she had a funny look on her face, so I decided to ask another one.  “How many of your friends spin?” I asked.  “Ummmmmm…none”.  So I start to wonder why we are opening this spinning/fiber/knitting store if she knows not one person that spins!  She quickly recovers and assures me that they are out there.  But I’m not convinced.  Perhaps this should be a Yarn & Fiber store, instead of a Fiber & Yarn store. 

Does it really matter?  What’s the difference?  Isn’t it all the same? 

No way.  I don’t know a lot of people, but I know several that knit & crochet (YARN).  I only know one that spins (fiber), and she doesn’t know anyone else that does.  Shouldn’t we focus on the larger population?  Or is there an advantage to focusing on the forgotten ones.  The poor little spinners of the world…

Life goes on…and so will we.  I’ve gone into duel mode at the birth center now.  I get the book keeping and office junk done, along with the cleaning duties that are mine.  Then I try to do a little renovation (still finishing repainting and flooring from months ago), and a little rearranging (making room for the YARN & fiber store up front). 

Have I not mentioned that one yet?  Yes, Jennifer (the wife) is a midwife.  We own a birth center.  And will soon also own another business…fun for everyone.  Birth center, Yarn store…is it just me or do all my businesses seem a bit, girly?  What we men do to keep our women happy ; ). 

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